Monday, September 18, 2006

The God Who Shepherds Us

Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is written from the perspective of a shepherd in Palestine. It was his job to take the family's flock of sheep out in search of food. This meant going on long journeys with the sheep. It meant living with the sheep day and night. It meant guarding them from predators. It meant finding suitable pastures for them to graze and enough water for them to drink.

Being a shepherd meant thinking about the needs of the flock most of the time - much like a parent thinks about the needs of a young child, planning ahead for feeding time and rest time and play time. I remember when I was caring for our children when they were little, anticipating their needs and delighting in their presence in our home, I would find myself reflecting from time to time, "this is a picture of what God does for me." As the pslmist cared for his flock, he seems to have had a similar experience.

GROUP DISCUSSION. When have you experienced joy in meeting a need for someone?

PERSONAL REFLECTION. What would you list as your most basic five or six needs in life?

The psalmist sees in his experience of delighting in and providing for his beloved sheep a picture of the loving, active, intimate care that God provides day after day all through our lives. He wrote as one whose eyes are opened to the amazing truth of God's powerful, protective, joyful, sustaining love for us.
Read Psalm 23.

1. The thesis for this psalm is stated in the first verse. How would you paraphrase this verse for our context?

2. List the needs that God the Shepherd meets as they are described in the rest of this psalm.

3. We live in a consumer society. We tend to think of ourselves as always lacking something, always needing something more. Reflect for a moment on what it would be like to be aware that God will provide everything you need. What thoughts and feelings do you have as you reflect on this thought?

4. Which of the needs identified in this psalm are you particularly aware of God meeting in your life at this time?

5. What is it like for you to experience God's care in this way?

6. Which of the provisions described in this psalm are you especially in need of?

7. This psalm describes our relationship with God as one in which God actively provides for us. God gives and cares and attends. We receive and receive and receive. How does this picture of God compare with your concept and experience of God?

8. Sheep are vulnerable animals, in need of their shepherd's care. In what ways do you relate to this metaphor of being a sheep?

9. How does this picture of who we are in relationship to God (the receivers of love and care) compare with your concept of who you are in relationship to God?

10. What difference might it make (or does it make) in your life to see your relationship with God in this way?

11. Do you relate to the image of God as a shepherd? What other images come to mind when you reflect on God as the one who provides, cares, protects and guides?

12. Spend a few minutes in quiet, reflecting on God as your loving shepherd or caretaker. What thoughts and feelings or images come to you as you reflect in this way?

13. When we are experiencing a specific need, it can be helpful to remember that God, who is our loving Shepherd, desires to meet our needs. Scripture frequently reminds us to talk to God about our needs. What specific needs are you experiencing at this time that you would like to ask God to meet?

Express your needs and your gratitude to God who shepherds you.

Now or Later

This week, begin each day in quiet, reflecting on God as your loving Shepherd. End each day by focusing on the ways you sense that God cared for you during the day.

You might want to keep a gratitude list, acknowledging God's specific care each day.

Pray that your heart and mind will be open to receive all the good gifts God is giving you.


At 3:19 PM, Blogger Christinewjc said...

GROUP DISCUSSION. When have you experienced joy in meeting a need for someone?

I think that one of the most memorable was when I stopped trying, in my own human strength and will, to get my daughter to abandon her feelings for an abusive boyfriend. Once I did that, God came through in such a mighty way in her life it was truly astonishing!

PERSONAL REFLECTION. What would you list as your most basic five or six needs in life?
Love & peace with God, food, a home, good health, love and good relationships with family & friends, clothing.

The psalmist sees in his experience of delighting in and providing for his beloved sheep a picture of the loving, active, intimate care that God provides day after day all through our lives. He wrote as one whose eyes are opened to the amazing truth of God's powerful, protective, joyful, sustaining love for us.
Read Psalm 23.

1. The thesis for this psalm is stated in the first verse. How would you paraphrase this verse for our context?

With the Lord as my provider, protector, sustainer in life, I will have no need unmet.

2. List the needs that God the Shepherd meets as they are described in the rest of this psalm.

He provides rest for my soul, and peace in my life. He restores my soul, leads me in righteousness. I have no need to fear evil or death. His discipline and guidance comfort me. He prepares a place for me. No need to fear my enemies. I am safe in his abiding love, for his love in unending; goodness and mercy shall follow me because of who He is and the fact that I am His all the days of my life. In eternity, I will live with Him forever.

3. We live in a consumer society. We tend to think of ourselves as always lacking something, always needing something more. Reflect for a moment on what it would be like to be aware that God will provide everything you need. What thoughts and feelings do you have as you reflect on this thought?

I would not fear anyone or anything because I will know that my needs will be met by His promises.

4. Which of the needs identified in this psalm are you particularly aware of God meeting in your life at this time?

Sometimes I wonder if I am within God's Will with the efforts I put into standing up for the faith of Biblical Christianity in the midst of those who mock, criticize and refuse to believe in Jesus Christ. This Psalm tells me I can rest in quiet confidence.

5. What is it like for you to experience God's care in this way?

I am reminded of Jesus' words when he said, "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! for I have overcome the world."

6. Which of the provisions described in this psalm are you especially in need of?

When I am angry with the rampant sin in our culture and its affect upon our children and grandchildren, I then realize that I am in need of His comfort and presence in my life and it is then that his power is enough to protect me and help me.

7. This psalm describes our relationship with God as one in which God actively provides for us. God gives and cares and attends. We receive and receive and receive. How does this picture of God compare with your concept and experience of God?

We can never out give God! No excuse for complaining. What we have here in the USA is mountainous blessings compared to many third world countries whose dictators won't allow humanitarian help. But when we focus on the needs of others, we can then take the focus off of ourselves.

8. Sheep are vulnerable animals, in need of their shepherd's care. In what ways do you relate to this metaphor of being a sheep?

Christians are often vulnerable and subject to attack by non-believers. Knowing that God's grace "is sufficient for me" helps keep things in perspective. Knowing that I am in His care on a daily basis frees me from any fear of condemnation from others who hate me for my beliefs and what I share from God's Word.

9. How does this picture of who we are in relationship to God (the receivers of love and care) compare with your concept of who you are in relationship to God?

I can have confidence in God's Word because of who Christ is in my life. It's not because of what I've done, it's because of who he is. It's not because of who I am, but because of what he's done at the cross.

10. What difference might it make (or does it make) in your life to see your relationship with God in this way?

I can look to Christ for answers to life's complicated problems and share those answers with confidence in His Words, not my own.

11. Do you relate to the image of God as a shepherd? What other images come to mind when you reflect on God as the one who provides, cares, protects and guides?

Yes. He's my Shepherd because without him, I'd be lost for all eternity. His guidance in my life is paramount to experiencing the joy that Jesus spoke of that we are to have while living life to its fullest. He alone provides that opportunity. He is my Protector, Sustainer, Caretaker, Guidance Counselor, Lover of my Soul.

12. Spend a few minutes in quiet, reflecting on God as your loving shepherd or caretaker. What thoughts and feelings or images come to you as you reflect in this way?

13. When we are experiencing a specific need, it can be helpful to remember that God, who is our loving Shepherd, desires to meet our needs. Scripture frequently reminds us to talk to God about our needs. What specific needs are you experiencing at this time that you would like to ask God to meet?

Express your needs and your gratitude to God who shepherds you.

Now or Later

This week, begin each day in quiet, reflecting on God as your loving Shepherd. End each day by focusing on the ways you sense that God cared for you during the day.

You might want to keep a gratitude list, acknowledging God's specific care each day.

Pray that your heart and mind will be open to receive all the good gifts God is giving you.


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